Gelatin Hydrolysis Test
Aim- To detect ability of given organism to hydrolyse gelatin or produce gelatinase enzyme or not.
Theory- Some bacteria have ability to produce extra cellular enzyme like gelatinase. The gelatinase destroy or decompose gelatin.
This reaction occurs in two sequential steps.
1. Gelatinase hydrolysis gelatin into polypeptide.
2. That produced polypeptide further converted into amino acids.
That amino acids use by micro-organism for metabolic purpose gelatin hydrolysis test is use in classification and identification of organism. Hydrolysis of gelatin is detected by flooding the plate with Hgcl2.Requirements-
1. Gelatin agar plates.
2. 24hrs old culture of test organism (psuedomonas)
3. Hgcl2.
1. A loopful suspension was spot innoculated or sterile gelatin agar plate.
2. The plate was inculated at 37c for 24hrs.
3. After incubation Hgcl2 was poured on the plate and results are concluded.
Gelatin hydrolysis test was positive. OR The given organism show gelatinase test positive.
At 13 March 2021
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